Well spring break was two weeks ago and I didn't go home, but went down to San Diego. My friend Amy came with me, and we stayed at my Aunt and Unlce's house. We had a blast. We were down there all week. We just hung out at the house and relaxed alot. One day we went to downtown San Diego and went shopping. Then we went to Beach City and did a little shopping. We went to the San Diego zoo (the world's best zoo) another day. My cousin came with us. It was a blast. They had a baby panda, which was so cute. They also had baby gorillas which were totally cute also.
This past weekend my roommate Sarah got engaged to Casey. It's so exciting. Me and a couple friends completely covered out door with pictures of brides and rings and couples picture from a wedding magazine. It ended up so cool. That is what they are standing in front of.
So, I was only allowed to go home for a week, because of work. But it was wonderful though I wasn't there that long. Here are some pictures from when I was home for thanksgiving also.
Two of my friends Amy and Kim and I all decided to go to Malibu one night to go watch the sunset. It was wonderful. It is amazing to me what an amazing creator we serve. You have the ocean which is just for powerful and forceful and then when the sun is setting on it, it looks so peaceful. We serve an awesome God.
This past Friday night we had a all school rally for our basketball teams at 10 o'clock at night. It was a blast. It got everyone pumped for basketball. People dressed up, went all out. I would have gone all out but I didn't really know, so we just wore school colors. It made me miss playing SO bad. They introduced the teams, we had staff scrimmage them. They had a dunk contest, which was pretty fun. I of course won, cause I'm so good at dunking!! ha ha They had a bump contest. They had a three-point contest, and I was chosen for that by the ASB. It was a little embarrassing, cause I should have made more. But it was still fun, and I won. I was also randomly chosen for a half court shot. If I made it I could have won a $750 scholarship for school. I was super close to making it. I guess a girl has never won it before. People were impressed even though I didn't make it.
The first week of October our school canceled all classes for the week and sent teams out to local churches. There we served the entire week. We were pretty much their slaves. We did whatever needed to be done. I was on a team of about 18 people and we went to a local church where some of my friends actually attend. It's called Church of the Canyons. That week we had so much serving. We made props for a harvest festival, we painted, we did tons TONS of yards work, just cleaning up all outside. One day we went door to door through neighbor hoods handing out pamphlets for their harvest festival. We handed out 1,000. It was crazy that day. They had an all church work party on that Saturday that they participated in and then after that we handed out the paper. It was super hot that day so we were all dying. And fortunately my group of course got the neighbor that was just hill after hill after hill, you were never level either going down, but mostly going up. ha ha It was fun though. It was a blessing to serve the local church.