Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Mustang Madness

This past Friday night we had a all school rally for our basketball teams at 10 o'clock at night. It was a blast. It got everyone pumped for basketball. People dressed up, went all out. I would have gone all out but I didn't really know, so we just wore school colors. It made me miss playing SO bad. They introduced the teams, we had staff scrimmage them. They had a dunk contest, which was pretty fun. I of course won, cause I'm so good at dunking!! ha ha They had a bump contest. They had a three-point contest, and I was chosen for that by the ASB. It was a little embarrassing, cause I should have made more. But it was still fun, and I won. I was also randomly chosen for a half court shot. If I made it I could have won a $750 scholarship for school. I was super close to making it. I guess a girl has never won it before. People were impressed even though I didn't make it.

Outreach Week

The first week of October our school canceled all classes for the week and sent teams out to local churches. There we served the entire week. We were pretty much their slaves. We did whatever needed to be done. I was on a team of about 18 people and we went to a local church where some of my friends actually attend. It's called Church of the Canyons. That week we had so much serving. We made props for a harvest festival, we painted, we did tons TONS of yards work, just cleaning up all outside. One day we went door to door through neighbor hoods handing out pamphlets for their harvest festival. We handed out 1,000. It was crazy that day. They had an all church work party on that Saturday that they participated in and then after that we handed out the paper. It was super hot that day so we were all dying. And fortunately my group of course got the neighbor that was just hill after hill after hill, you were never level either going down, but mostly going up. ha ha It was fun though. It was a blessing to serve the local church.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The world around me is burning

So this past week has been a little crazy. Southern California has been on fire and still is. Santa Clarita has just been one of the place on fire. We have had a half a dozen fires. We had to two about two-three miles from the school. The sky has been filled with smoke. A couple of nights we could look out our room and see the hill on fire, the flames and everything. It's been crazy.Please pray for the people who have been evacuated that they would be able to get back to their homes soon, but also pray for those who have lost their houses. Many people are homeless right now down here. Pray that the local churches around take this opportunity to reach out. Thanks But here are some pictures that people have taken!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Fall Thing

So we just had this thing called Fall Thing at school. It's in a way like Sadie Hawkins. Girl ask guy thing. But it's not a dance cause Master's doesn't dance. ha ha ha but my friend Kim and I wanted to go in a group of people and not go and ask someone as a "date". We didn't want them getting the wrong idea. So, we decided to ask two of our guy friends that wanted to go in a group too. So we went with them. They are both international students from Jamaica. We had a blast.

It was a masquerade theme. It was crazy everyone there all had masks on, some of them it was hard to tell who the person was.

Just a a couple of friends:

Get a load of these crazy dudes:

This is me and my friend Kim. She lives next door to Sarah and I.

This is my beautiful roommate Sarah.

These are my friends; Sarah, Casey, Anna, Ben, Michelle, and Matt. They all went in a group together.

And these are some of my friends that live on my wing.

Everything was so much fun there. They served Mediterranean food for dinner and they had a magician and comedian for the entertainment. It was just a really fun night.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

I said hip hop, a hippie to hippie hippie hop

School has been great. Now that the first two weeks are over I can say it has been great. Except for the weather. The first week of classes was crazy, it was an average of 112 everyday. We hit 116 one day I thought I was going to melt. I love my classes. I'm finally learning something that I want to know. I started taping feet with different injuries this past week. Loved it. I practice on Sarah. It's so much fun.

The girls on my wing that I live with are amazing. They are all crazy and down to earth and a ton of fun.

Most are pretty athletic which is awesome. The other day we just went out and played four on four, and jumped into the pool fully clothed. It was funny. Last weekend we went to Huntington beach for the day. It was a blast, but a bit crowded cause of labor day. But just hung out there all day, played volleyball, boogie boarded, body surfed and just layed out talking.

My roommate Sarah, is fun. We are having a blast rooming together. It's great to have a roommate who is also striving to please our Lord and live for him. We have had some great and convicting conversations, but have become accountability partners.