Sunday, September 9, 2007

I said hip hop, a hippie to hippie hippie hop

School has been great. Now that the first two weeks are over I can say it has been great. Except for the weather. The first week of classes was crazy, it was an average of 112 everyday. We hit 116 one day I thought I was going to melt. I love my classes. I'm finally learning something that I want to know. I started taping feet with different injuries this past week. Loved it. I practice on Sarah. It's so much fun.

The girls on my wing that I live with are amazing. They are all crazy and down to earth and a ton of fun.

Most are pretty athletic which is awesome. The other day we just went out and played four on four, and jumped into the pool fully clothed. It was funny. Last weekend we went to Huntington beach for the day. It was a blast, but a bit crowded cause of labor day. But just hung out there all day, played volleyball, boogie boarded, body surfed and just layed out talking.

My roommate Sarah, is fun. We are having a blast rooming together. It's great to have a roommate who is also striving to please our Lord and live for him. We have had some great and convicting conversations, but have become accountability partners.

1 comment:

Laura Grace said...

I like all your photos.
And your hair is really long.
And I have a blog too.
Love you...